Brisbane is working hard to become one of the most sustainable destinations in the world, with its score in the 2023 Global Destination Sustainability Movement (GDS-Movement), increasing by 4% from 2022 and achieving a ranking of 37 out of 100 destinations in the Index.
Additionally, Brisbane’s reputation as the cleanest, greenest and most sustainable city in Australia made considerable strides in 2023 becoming the first Australian city to be awarded a gold certification in the United Nations Habitat’s Sustainable Development Goals Cities program.
Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner said the UN’s gold level recognised all the work Council does to ensure Brisbane remains clean, green, and sustainable.
Brisbane has world-class venues, hotels, restaurants, events and attractions but we’re also being increasingly recognised for being clean, green and sustainable,” Cr Schrinner said.
Our practical approach towards sustainability is not just about cutting waste and emissions but cutting costs for residents and making our city better for future generations.
“This accreditation recognises the raft of measures our Council team continues to undertake to keep Brisbane clean and green, to preserve our unique lifestyle and ensure we grow sustainably is working.”
In 2023, BEDA is actively engaging the broader visitor economy to adopt sustainable practices through participating in the Eco-Certified Tourism Destination Program facilitated by EarthCheck.
Through this program, BEDA will raise awareness of Brisbane as a sustainable, low carbon and climate resilient tourism destination and work with industry to encourage the adoption of sustainable practises which will support and respond to the rapidly changing needs and expectations of visitors.
BEDA is committed to championing sustainable economic development in Brisbane so that, together with Brisbane City Council, the opportunities and lifestyle we create today will positively contribute to a better quality of life for future residents and businesses.
BEDA is committed to driving sustainable economic growth for the city. In delivering these outcomes, the business is conscious of protecting the opportunities and quality of life for future generations of Brisbane residents and businesses.
Being able to position the destination as a sustainable, low carbon and climate resilient tourism destination with globally recognised credentials undoubtably offers more for visitors, investors, and business.
To help achieve this outcome, BEDA works collaboratively with tourism operators and industry partners to support, promote and enable improvements to sustainable practices across the Brisbane region, which results in re a competitive advantage for the city now and into the future.
BEDA’s core values; Delivering Together, Respecting Each Other, Making an Impact and Acting With Integrity, support the company vision, shape the workplace culture and enable delivery of the strategic plan. These four values are also interwoven with BEDA’s commitment to sustainability and reflect the team’s objective to create opportunities that maximise Brisbane’s long-term sustainable economic growth
In 2022, BEDA’s Sustainability Action Plan was endorsed by its shareholder, Board and Leadership Team. Since then, the programs and initiatives within the Sustainability Action Plan were integrated into BEDA’s 2022-23 Business Plan, flowing through into each departmental Operational Plan for the same period.
BEDA’s internal Sustainability Working Group champions and supports delivery of the Sustainability Action Plan.
BEDA’s Sustainability Working Group is a cross-functional, employee-led committee with representatives from across the business who are passionate about sustainable economic development and made a commitment to contribute to the implementation of the initiatives set out in the Sustainability Action Plan.
The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals support an international shift to a more sustainable economy that leads to greener, more inclusive economies and stronger, more resilient societies.
BEDA’s Sustainability Action Plan aligns to its shareholder’s priorities and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).
BEDA proactively leads activities that align with the following six SDGs:
Through delivery of its business priorities, BEDA can influence activities that align with the following four SDGs: