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Sustainability Hub

Renowned for its sustainable urban living, Brisbane prides itself on being clean and green, rapidly emerging as a global leader in sustainability. Boasting a gold certification in the UN-Habitat’s Sustainable Development Goals Cities global initiative and ranking in the Top 40 out of 100 cities in the Global Destination Sustainability Index, Brisbane demonstrates and continues to strive for environmental, social, cultural and economic sustainability.

Brisbane Economic Development Agency (BEDA) is committed to driving sustainable economic development in Brisbane so that, together with government and private sector partners, the opportunities and lifestyle we create today will positively contribute to a better quality of life for future generations of Brisbane residents and businesses.

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BEDA's Sustainability Credentials
BEDA champions sustainable economic growth, ensuring that today's opportunities & lifestyles are preserved for future generations.
A barista making coffee at Felix for Goodness in Brisbane's CBD
Sustainability for Brisbane Businesses
Find out how to increase sustainability in your business while reducing your costs.
Howard Smith Wharves Felons Lawn Afternoon Drinks
Sustainable Tourism in Brisbane
The demand for sustainable tourism is increasing. Find out what you can do to become more sustainable.
Aerial view of The Gabba.
Sustainable Events in Brisbane
Find out how you can make your event more sustainable, to meet increasing customer demand.
Hero Brisbane City
Grants & Financing Resources
Understand what grants, green financing and other support is available for your business to take sustainable action.
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Sustainability Toolkit
Download BEDA’s Sustainability Action Plan, Event Sustainability Guide, and Legacy and Impact Guide.

Sustainability in Action

Brisbane - a global, sustainable city
Howard Smith Wharves
Business South Bank Sustainability Pledge