18 OCTOBER 2023

Industry leaders, professionals and researchers in Brisbane are being urged to apply for the Lord Mayor’s Convention Trailblazer Grant to help attract new business events to the city.

The grant, an initiative of the city’s official Convention Bureau, Brisbane Economic Development Agency (BEDA), is designed to attract global conferences and conventions bringing significant economic benefit to Brisbane.

Applications are now open, with successful applicants receiving up to $5,000 to attend a leading international conference of their choice.

The grant offers recipients the opportunity to build valuable networks, enhance Brisbane’s reputation as a hub of knowledge and innovation, and bid to secure the event in Brisbane for a future year.

Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner encouraged professionals to apply for the grant program and play a role in driving Brisbane’s visitor economy.

“Brisbane is fast becoming the destination of choice for events, with conventions and business conferences a key part of the city’s visitor economy,” Cr Schrinner said.

“Through this program, Brisbane can collaborate with our city’s most talented, connected, and knowledgeable professionals to support our business events pipeline and help secure future events across industries.

“I encourage all professionals to learn more about our Trailblazer Grant program and see how they can create a positive impact on their industries, increase skills and knowledge, and help Brisbane flourish.”

The Lord Mayor’s Convention Trailblazer Grant was launched in 2017 and has generated a solid pipeline of future business event opportunities for the city, including six conference wins to date, valued at almost $9 million in economic impact for Brisbane.

Former recipient, cultural psychologist Dr Jaimee Stuart, urged intrepid professionals to apply for the grant to enhance ongoing contributions to your organisation and industry.

“When I applied for the Trailblazer Grant, I was looking at ways to grow the cultural psychologies sector in Brisbane, to encourage others to have a voice in this space, and to connect colleagues to the excellent national and international work in this area,” Dr Stuart said.

“The grant allowed me to take a unique and courageous approach, with the support of BEDA and its network. I never envisioned that the grant would take me on the path that it did; bidding for two conferences and securing them to be held jointly for the first time in Brisbane.” 

Anthony Ryan, CEO of Brisbane Economic Development Agency, said the city is attracting the attention of world-class business events and organisations.

“Brisbane is a world-class city for business and leisure, recording a rise in international visitors and notably being named as the number one destination of choice for international small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) travelling to Australia,” Mr Ryan said.

“Securing leading international conferences and conventions will continue to advance Brisbane’s business event credentials while also cultivating a legacy of global connectedness and evolving and exciting destination appeal.”

Together with key partners, bolstered by the return of international conferences, BEDA secured a pipeline of 69 new business events in 2022-23, worth $71 million in future economic activity for the city.

Applications for the 2023/24 Lord Mayor’s Convention Trailblazer Grant close at midnight on Sunday, 25 February 2024.

Landscape image of corporate people having drinks at the Emporium Hotel South Bank rooftop bar